Marquee Sign

Madame Tussauds San Francisco is the 17th Madame Tussauds wax museum to open worldwide which features wax figures of famous figures from movies, music, politics, pop culture and sport. The original Wax Museum at Fisherman’s Wharf was first opened in 1963 and displayed over 270 wax figures. In 2013, Merlin Entertainment signed a multi-year deal to repurpose the Wax Museum Entertainment Complex Building—which was demolished in 1998 and reopened by 2000—to open the world famous Madame Tussauds in 2014.
To amplify their streetside presence, Madame Tussauds decided to replace their fabric canopy signs with a custom theatre-style marquee façade. The large marquee, which extends out above the sidewalk, features arrays of light bulbs that mimic a traditional theatre marquee. The motif of the traditional theatre conjures up notions of entertainment and performance with tourists seeking their next experience. At night, passersby walking along the street are immediately drawn to the bright array of lights along the façade.
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